
Application environment credentials manager.

Store application environment credentials in encrypted JSON file, load, and export as environment variables.

How to use?


Help command.

npx env-credentials --help

Generate master key and save into environment specific file.

Default environment is development.

npx env-credentials master-key

Saved in a credentials directory credentials/development.key


To use 'export APP_MASTER_KEY=8a44911940b02fbc659277d89af48cb2628b31f6bc63b87b433da46966af6aec'
OR Save in a credentials directory i.e credentials/development.key

Generate environment specific key and save.

npx env-credentials master-key -e production

Saved in a credentials directory credentials/production.key


To use 'export APP_MASTER_KEY=48260a6dbe1bc8173e1ef5486ae30805e024500e7142ee8c7096536eab319bf7'
OR Save in a credentials directory i.e credentials/production.key

Generate key without saving it.

npx env-credentials master-key -e production -s false

Create / Update credentials

Default environment is development

npx env-credentials edit # loads app master key from 'credentials/development.key' file.
APP_MASTER_KEY=8a44911940b02fbc659277d89af48cb2628b31f6bc63b87b433da46966af6aec npx env-credentials edit

Edit by environment option.

npx env-credentials edit -e production # loads app master key from 'credentials/production.key' file.
APP_MASTER_KEY=252949256031ababb811706b4dcf662577e1b19d1980ef0c8b1bdfef13feba36 npx env-credentials edit -e production

Load credentials

If APP_MASTER_KEY environment variable is not exported then key will be loaded from key file.

Export APP_MASTER_KEY and NODE_ENV. NODE_ENV is default to development.


If do not want to export APP_MASTER_KEY for development or other env, put key as a file in credentials directory. This will be helpful in development environment.

i.e credentials/development.key or credentials/production.key or credentials/staging.key